Great Leaders Ask Great Questions, And Listen Even Better

Statistics show two-thirds of employees in the U.S. are completely disengaged or neutral about their work. This means that asking great questions, and listening even better, is more important than ever. Great leaders draw out the best thinking and performance from their employees. It’s about being present—tuning into yourself and those around you, and holding space for your team—and allowing the smartest people in the room to speak up, and genuinely listening, rather than dominating the conversation, and shutting down those around you.

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Shifting From Impulse To Greater Choice

“Buddy, please don’t ever do that to me again.” This quiet, honest plea created connection and compassion. Rather than act on his initial impulse, which was to reactively yell, “Get in the car! How can you be so irresponsible and disrespectful? You’re so grounded!”

This one line changed everything in their relationship, find out why.

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